My favourite pub in Dundee if not the entire world. The Phoenix. A marvellous watering hole and a place I have been known to frequent for more years than I care to remember. I think this was the first pub in Dundee I got served in as a skinny 17 year old. Either here or The Scout, another legendary Dundee pub which is sadly no longer with us. R.I.P.
The pub has been owned and managed by Alan Bannerman for many years. A fabulous mine host who is never slow to express his views on any subject you may care to mention.
It also serves the most fantastic Chilli which surprisingly has never changed down the years. I think I first tasted it around 1981 at which time it seriously blew your head off. Not sure whether they've tamed it down over the years or my palate has adjusted but it seems milder now.
It has to be said though that there are few pleasures on the planet to match a pint of 80/- and a Chilliburger from the Phoenix. Long may its doors remain open.